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The title of this page is a tip of the hat to English author and scholar of George Orwell, W. J. West, who published The Larger Evils: Nineteen Eighty-Four – The Truth Behind the Satire in 1992. It is important to remember that Orwell’s dystopian novel satirizes a historic human tendency toward tyranny, and that even as America and Britain fought a greater tyranny in the Third Reich, a regime of censorship and other sinister controls was put in place to wage the war. How valid are similar controls today, in the absence of the militarist-imperialist Axis Powers and overt fascism?
My career as a professional writer includes publishing under my own name in periodicals such as The American Conservative, Reaction, CapX and The Wall Street Journal Europe. Here on Substack, my work occasionally appears in JFK Facts, a specialized site focusing on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The Larger Evils features analysis of current affairs with an eye trained on the fact that, even with all the war, dislocation, and “muddling through” by the world’s governments, human beings are possessed of inherent decency and goodwill. Orwell thought so too.
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