Love it Chad!! So glad someone finally called him out publicly. Kudos

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Hot air artists like Thomas Graves and youtube commentator AaronZ are merely CIA trolls, repeatedly lying and trying to promote confusion. As long as people are looking somewhere other than at the CIA as being responsible for the JFK assassination, they are accomplishing their goal. They killed JFK to be able to do Vietnam, and then they loused that one up also. So, confusion and distraction are priority #1.

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Jackie Ow! So good to see you here

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Thanks. Nice to see you reading along.

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Mr. Graves must be searching on a daily basis for articles on JFK. He seems to believe he's sniffing out "KGB" types, or outing paid "Putin trolls." He recently dropped by my Substack blog after I published an article on the Warren Commission's hiring of Washington, D.C. St. Elizabeth's Hospital's director, Dr. Winfred Overholser, and also his successor. The idea was to have Overholser work on the Oswald & Ruby bios for the WC. McCloy also wanted him to look into the autopsy controversies. This interested me as Overholser had numerous intelligence connections, not least of which was turning St. Elizabeth's into a place the CIA could dump "national security" psych cases.

Overholser was also in charge of the OSS's "truth drugs" research program in WW2. (Those interested can read the article via the link at the end of this comment.)

Anyway, in a comment to the article Graves accused myself and Substack author, TMH, of being paid Russian trolls. There's of course an ominous aspect to making such accusations at a time when right-wing paranoia in government is on the rise.

So I'm glad to see someone call him out for the troll he is. He may in his own head think he's a patriotic soul policing any and all JFK assassination-related articles with his own unique blend of "truth," while fingering (with zero evidence) researchers he disagrees with as Russian assets and/or dupes.

I see he's responded to your posting. My own intention, after bothering to respond to his aspersion with ridicule, is to respond to any future communications from him with silence from here on out. An old Internet truism is "Don't feed the trolls." That may not always be possible, but in Graves' case, it may be the right tactic.


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Some call it obfuscation.

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"The Obfuscation of Thomas Graves" didn't have the same ring somehow.

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Superb retort, I too, was in and out of mother Russia, early in this century I was optimistic about reform working with central bank but two blocks off Moscows main drag , was then and now was a sad story.

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Thank you, Chad.

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Oswald (the Hungarian Oswald, later fed to Jack Ruby) thought it would be a sham assassination, like practiced on Gen. Walker. Oswald would be the sheep-dipped Cuban sympathizer whose bullets, fired by others, would scare JFK into invading Cuba. Oswald merely had to get to the Texas Theater so his CIA driver could extract him per the torn half of a dollar bill in his wallet for recognition. The other half bill gets him on his CIA plane out of Dallas Redbird Airport. On to a life of exalted luxury with thanks from the CIA. Or so Oswald thought. In reality he was supposed to be spooked into the back alley and shot dead by waiting cops with guns drawn, but for once Oswald smelled a set-up and so didn't run from his theater seat. He did run from the scene like John Wilkes Booth, but he didn't get shot down like John Dillinger-- the obvious template from Sam Giancana's Chicago where the Nov. 2 plot had recently failed.

The throat shot at Z220 was obviously not supposed to be a throat shot nor reveal its origin going through the windshield. It was supposed to be an underpowered forehead shot. Like the underpowered Z250 shot near the external occipital protuberance successfully entered, didn't exit the other side, but came to rest next to the vomer bone, and immediately rendered JFK comatose. Which is why by Z251 he is starting to drop his hands and arms. The Z206 shot to the right shoulder was merely to get JFK to flinch high for the hoped-forehead shot, coming from the back of a postal truck in the parking lot.

With JFK comatose, he would have ended up in neurosurgery then neuro intensive care. There John Liggett could easily punch the back of his head for a fake entrance wound, ream out the forehead entrance to make a fake exit, and Earl Rose would not have known the difference. Earl Rose was another patsy (I knew him and his family, not the sharpest pencil in the box) hired in June 1963 to make the official autopsy pronouncement look good. Not being a local lad, he was run out of town in 1968.

The Z250 bullet from the second floor of Dal-Tex, Dallas Uranium and Oil Co. (CIA front) did exactly what the planners wanted, but JFK did not fall down fast enough. Supported by the limo door on the right, Jackie's hand at his left elbow, and the back brace also. Umbrella Man had only moments to decide, and he called for more shooting. Due to the resultant mess there was no hope of a John Liggett cleanup, so the Bethesda autopsy option had to be invoked. But David Lifton was right the original plan was to get JFK upstairs for surgery.

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Some excellent points! TY for citing my 2016 USPS ZipVan ( postal truck ) theory of a shot from the back of the van parked in the Terminal Annex (Postal) Pkg lot and backed up to overlook Dealey Plaza., which I found was in the Couch film but gone in Cancellare's SK photo 7-15 seconds later. You are totally right about the shot thru the windshield! It makes me crazy when I hear people talk about how it's not possible there was a shot thru the windshield because no one would shoot through a windshield. Well, exactly, that was not the intent of the sniper. The intent was a headshot but the shot drifted low and went thru the windshield and entered the center of his neck instead of the center of his head.

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It would be great if you capture the exact still frame views with and without the postal truck there (I don't have the equipment to do it) and make a post. The shot hole through the windshield was seen by Evalea Glanges, Stavis Ellis, a police friend, a journalist, and best of all by Ford windshield expert George Whitaker. He saw the Dealey Plaza windshield pulverized and two new windshields made. One went into the limousine for restoration, so LBJ could drive around in schadenfreude including to RFK's funeral. The second new windshield was falsely claimed to be the Dealey Plaza windshield, and given a crack so with its display on a museum wall they could claim there never was a hole, only a crack from shrapnel. In the real world, windshield glass shrapnel was seen embedded in JFK's face by Parkland doctors and by Gawler mortician Tom Robinson when he did the autopsy. The glass shrapnel made embalming fluid leak out until patched.

The bullet entered an eighth of an inch to JFK's right from exact anatomical center. Humes didn't know yet another bullet was in the neck until after the Bethesda autopsy, when he phoned Dallas to talk to Malcolm Perry about midnight. In a big panic, with RFK and Jackie pressing for release of the body so they could get some sleep, he of course probed on the left side of JFK's neck since the shot had come from the book depository. Right? That led to about two inches of extra cutting before he finally checked JFK's right neck side to actually find the bullet.

I'm still on the lookout for the reference on James Darnell filming the tall forklift movement of JFK out of the rear galley and forward to the right front cargo compartment at 2:38-2:41 when LBJ was being sworn in. I have only seen it once, and my notation is buried within thousands of pages in dozens of notebooks. But it is a prioritized search item.

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No worries he’s just a Lone Nut Buff or a whore

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Chad is the same "theory" that CIA has been spewing since the assassination i.e. it was Cuba's DGI or the Soviet's KGB. The truth will out when all the JFK files are released which is what the Clowns at Langley are desperately trying to prevent.

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Thanks for doing that. Been ignoring his made up theories with no basis for a while as he has no tact as well. Keep it up. Must get a SS check from intel…

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Finally!!!!!!!!!! You have no idea how many times I have fought the urge to ask you guys at JFK Facts during our zoom calls what his deal is. Did you beat him in a tight game at the poker table? Pee in his cheerios? Steal his girlfriend?

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I have tried to engage him but for some relevant knowledge.

The source information my great uncle gave me detailed a fake defection and an abstract reference to a Fedora. It was Graves that seemingly touched on that.

Regarding the KGB, Rene Dussaq was accused of being a communist in 1952 and he was a Castro loyalist. Piatagorski was very likely KGB.

Yes, I have enough evidence to present as proof of these two being the main conspirators in the assassination.

It doesn’t exclude insider help, but the main culprits were agents of our enemies.

This is something Graves also promotes, but it ends there. To suggest what we can see on the Zapruder film as being the result of Oswald as a lone shooter, is equivalent to saying the earth is flat. Ballistics simply doesn’t work like that, to the point that the use of a big word like “ballistics” is not necessarily. The public will believe anything, but people that stop and take a closer look shouldn’t accept magic as an explanation.

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I would sooner seriously debate someone who claimed that the assassination was a Soviet conspiracy but admitted proof was lacking than deal with anyone who states that theory as fact and abuses anyone who doubts their dubious theory. In legal terms, the standard of proof is "beyond a reasonable doubt." While I await your proof, I have seen nothing to suggest that the subject of this article has any at all, only tenuous conclusions drawn from supposition.

Even supposing that Oswald was a Soviet agent, witting or unwitting, that doesn't amount to anything approaching proof that he was the assassin of President Kennedy, to say nothing of the "lone gunman." I can accept that the Soviets were using Oswald for some purpose. Nothing anyone has ever produced persuades me even remotely that he fired a rifle on the day of the murder. As such, the whole notion of the Soviets using him as JFK's killer is moot. It fails - "a priori."

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Can I ask you one question? Have you looked at how the Roscoe White story and the Rene Dussaq story share the same story from diaries where it is the same three shooters, even with the same name of Saul?

Anyhow, I share my story with people I know and love. I wish it was a simple story, but it isn’t. It is way beyond anything conceivable yet, completely down to earth. There are others that have found hints of what I found and tried to venture into the JFK research crowd but were stubbornly refused consideration so they have gone in a completely different route with other scholars.

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I only have one agenda: transparency. If it turns out that the Soviet government executed an assassination operation to take out the U.S. president (I doubt it in light of everything I've read, including John Newman's most recent book), I will happily embrace that version. At the moment, it seems far more likely that - armed with knowledge that the Soviets were using Oswald for some purpose - our "deep state" felt it could count on the Soviets' acquiescence to pinning blame for the murder on a dead patsy in exchange for the Soviets being allowed to distance themselves from that same patsy. Once Oswald was designated as the fall guy, the Kremlin would go along with the gag. The idea that the "commies" should be blamed for killing JFK looks like political opportunism by Americans who simply can't bear the thought that anyone but "commies" did it.

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Ok, but the one question, do you see that they have the same story.

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I'm familiar with the "Saul" story, and also the idea that that same "Saul" may have been the "Mexico City Mystery Man" in the photos outside the Soviet Embassy, reproduced in the Warren Report. "Saul" may have been Yuri Moskalev, a Soviet operative under academic cover who was - possibly - an assassin. But there is no proof of any of this, any more than there is proof that Herminio Diaz or Eladio Del Valle were in Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22, 1963. Unless I obtain proof, I'm never going to state it as fact, and that's my beef: do not state theory as fact and insult anyone who disagrees with you. That was the motivation behind this article.

What I will say is, if the assassination was the product of a Soviet conspiracy, is the only reason that it hasn't been publicized in the wake of the USSR that the CIA and U.S. intelligence are trying to conceal their failure of decades ago? It would make sense. I just happen not to want to embrace the Soviet conspiracy angle out of some skewed "patriotism," as Thomas Graves does (calling people "comrade," as if it's a grave insult). The KGB did assassinate foreign leaders (though I think the CIA carried out far more hits), but this one seems unlikely. Could be, but in any event Oswald wasn't the assassin.

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I understand about not having a skewed opinion.

Rene was Saul and he worked with an ex marine. Roscoe was an ex marine working with a guy codenamed Saul.

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Dear Chad,

One would think that you could at least get the facts straight as to what I've said in my Substack posts and elsewhere.

IIRC, I've never claimed (at least not in recent years) that the KGB trained or "programmed" Oswald to kill JFK (in fact I used to be a tinfoil-at JFKA conspiracy theorist just like you!). I've just said that it may have encouraged him to do so or even given him logistical support, but that the sharpshooting, self-described Marxist, having realized that the motorcade would be passing by his seven-story place of work during lunchtime and that there were lots of book boxes to hide behind, probably did it all by him widdle self.

I've also pointed out, either on Substack or at the Ed Forum, that Dick Russell wrote in his book, "The Man Who Knew Too Much," that a CIA Counterintelligence analyst, Clare Edward Petty, concluded from reading some VENONA decrypts in the early 1970s that George DeMohrenschild was very probably a long-term KGB "illegal."

More factoids: The "Oswald" that Silvia Duran and Eusebio Azcue claimed to have dealt with at the Cuban Consulate in Mexico City in late September 1963 was probably short, skinny, blond-haired, very-thin-faced KGB Colonel Nikolai Leonov. What's more, Ivan Obyedkov, the KGB security officer at the Soviet Embassy who volunteered the Department 13-radioactive name "Kostikov" to an Oswald impersonator over a sure-to-be-tapped-by-CIA phone line on 1 October 1963 was a Kremlin-loyal triple agent, i.e., the CIA mistakenly believed that it had successfully recruited him. And last but not least, Kostikov's name was "radioactive" only because another Kremlin-loyal triple agent, KGB Major Aleksei Kulak (J. Edgar Hoover's shielded-from-CIA FEDORA at the FBI's NYC field office) had told the Bureau a year earlier that Kostikov's charge at the UN, Igor Brykin, was a Department 13 agent.

As you surely know by now, Chad, Jefferson Morley's "What Jane Roman Said" colleague, JFKA conspiracy theorist John Newman, now believes not only that ostensible KGB officer Yuri Nosenko was a false defector when he "walked in" to the CIA in Geneva in June 1962 (to discredit what recent true defector Anatoliy Golitsyn was telling the CIA), but that a KGB mole by the name of Bruce Solie in the CIA's mole-hunting Office of Security sent (or duped his confidant, protégé, and mole-hunting subordinate, James Angleton, into sending) Oswald to Moscow in 1959 as an ostensible "dangle" in a planned-to-fail hunt for "Popov's Mole" (Solie) in the wrong part of the CIA -- the Soviet Russia Division -- which mole hunt lasted nine years, tore the Soviet Russia Division apart, and drove Angleton nuts.

I could go on and on, but that's enough for now. I do wish, however, that you would get something straight -- on Substack and elsewhere I've said that, IMHO, there are TWO types of tinfoil-hat JFKA conspiracy theorists: Pinko "National Security State"-hating conspiracy theorists, and Neo-Fascist "Deep State"-hating conspiracy theorists. I find it fascinating that you've accused me of accusing you and your ilk of being of the former and don't even mention the latter.

Do try to remember that the KGB* works both sides of the political spectrum in tearing us apart, won't you?

It's very "Hegelian," wouldn't you agree?

*Today's SVR and FSB

-- Tom

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Thanks for the publicity, Chad!

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--------------- List of At Least 37 Bullets Fired in Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22, 1963 ----------------

01- Z143 to pavement in front of Phil Willis, commence fire shot. Visible bit of dust kicked up in front of Phil Willis and motorcycle cop.

02- Z155 to pavement at left rear of limousine, commence fire confirmation shot with colored sparks

03- Z206 to JFK right shoulder, in 1.25 inches, fell out on Jerrol Custer x-ray exam table, underpowered

04- Z220 to JFK throat via windshield from southern grassy knoll, intended for head, underpowered. Linda Giovanna Zambanini tracks source to postal truck above southern grassy knoll near RR slope.

05- Z250 to area of external occipital protuberance, ended right of vomer bone, underpowered

-------now that the underpowered shots have not visibly brought JFK down, Umbrella Man signals for more shots at higher ft-lbs energy levels -------

06- Z286 to upper right forehead from storm sewer drain, exit visible on quality Moorman photo at cowlick. Two inch piece of JFK skull and hair flying up and left of Babushka Lady shadow midpoint

07- Z313 Harry Weatherford shot from Central Records, in back of head out as right temple flap wound

08- Z342 In at right temple, out at site of Z313 entrance obliterating it. Trick shot leaving one hole from 2 shooters

Zapruder frame 413 (Costella, low) and Z475- distraction con men at fence line making smoke and noise

--------- prior shots in time sequence, following shots at unclear exact times ---------------

09- hit windshield rim above and left of Kellerman's head. CE399 is fake substitute for Sam Kinney bullet found while scrubbing blood outside Parkland

10- found by Jesse Curry slightly south of south Elm St. curb in grass, angle suggests another commence-fire shot

11, 12- into Connally from third man on sixth floor, from west end of TSBD. There was no lone sniper

13- Harry Weatherford shot from Central Records to concrete pad around manhole cover south of grassy knoll, scratch points back to source

14- bullet stolen by Deputy Buddy Walthers for his own personal curiosity

15- Jean Hill bullet hitting grass at her feet, as related to her by Secret Service (she claims)

16- another colored pyrotechnic signal shot, this time for cease-fire at grassy knoll, but largely ignored

17, 18, 19- and maybe more past heads of Jean Hill and Mary Moorman, standing near yellow curb mark

20,21- and probably more past head of Malcolm Summers as he dove for the grass

22- ricochet off curb into right cheek of James Tague

23- found in limousine night of Nov. 22 by Mills & Martinelli of the James Young crew, denied by Gerald Ford

24, 25, 26- shell casing found later on roof of Central Records Building under A/C, bullets on several roofs

27, 28, 29, 30- impacts heard by Malcolm Summers and Roy Kellerman (WCR 2:66) slamming inside limo

31- gouge into sidewalk west of book depository covered by police car Nov. 22, Penn Jones, Robt Groden

32- embedded in bubble top arch = holder in front of Connallys, Arlo Childers at Hess and Eisenhart repairs

33- stretcher bullet as JFK entered Parkland halfway between earlobe and shoulder, nurse Phyllis J. Hall

xx- fake = Paul Landis claimed loose bullet on seatback top. If true would require second hole in JFK shirt and coat, but there is no such bullet hole, nor is bullet deformed from hitting anything to stop it

34= Barbee specimen, rooftop near Stemmons

35= Haythorne specimen, roof of Massey building

36= Lester specimen

37= Dal-Tex specimen, brass shell with crimped edges, from roof. Likely a custom sabot preparation.

The Walder and Belmont bullets have disappeared.

CE399 was a fake substitute for the bullet Sam Kinney found in the limo when LBJ's henchmen had him washing away blood evidence outside Parkland Hospital. The true original was copper FMJ full metal jacket except the pointy tip was lead. When it was noticed the CE399 fake had six grooves and lands, while Mannlicher-Carcano rifles only create four lands and grooves, yet another fake was switched in with the "correct" four lands and grooves. It also was magically 0.125 inches shorter.

The dent in the windshield edging, above Kellerman's head and to the left, was due to a ricocheted bullet spinning clockwise as seen from above. Airport photos from the day before show it wasn't present then. This may have been a seventh contact bullet that bounced off the top of JFK's head and flattened on its side when hitting the windshield edging. cf #9 for identity and cf bullet #32 from list above for trajectory type.

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